Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel (Agam Darshi, DMZ), a professional seeing-eye guid...
2024 海外简介:Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocrats, involved in a toxic affair he knows he needs to end, and all but supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife’s wealthy new husband, Rebus begins to wonder if he still has...
- 6.0 迷失的男孩和皇后
- 7.0 美丽破坏者第二季
- 2.0 超细胞新人类
- 10.0 冰球小子第三季
- 8.0 毒帮家族