郑炳睿(肖央 饰)的宝贝女儿婷婷众目睽睽之下,遭神秘绑匪绑架,始终陪伴父女左右的李慧萍(佟丽娅 饰)与他一同展开救女行动。但狡诈绑匪轻松躲避警方负责人张景贤(段奕宏 饰)的密集追捕,更将救女心切的郑、李二人玩弄于股掌之间。绝望间,郑炳睿选择走上了一条通往地狱的救女之路,纵使化身“修罗”也不能放过伤害自己女儿的恶徒!殊不知一场更大的阴谋正在悄然展开,所有卷入其中的人都无法逃脱。
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- 2.0 园丁2025
2023 剧情简介:In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientist...
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