暑期将至,就读于女子中学的莉莉约好友小美(吴美枝 饰)利用假期来她父亲的别墅度假,小美带着妹妹小芸一路通行。别墅位于一个小岛之上,正值阳光明媚,风和日丽,青春男女在海边纵情享受着美好的时光。小美独自漫步海滩,看着年轻人们欢快歌舞,期间邂逅英俊帅气的男孩嘉明(邓浩光 饰),但俩人只得一面之缘,夏日的海滩空留遗憾。毕业的日子临近,莉莉所在的舞蹈班来了一位临时代课老师,其人正是嘉明。可叹小美隶属合唱班,只得与心仪的男孩在此失之交臂。时光悠然而过,青春少女心,万般说不尽…… 本片荣获1985年香港电影金像奖最佳原创歌曲奖。
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2023 剧情简介:In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientist...
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